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To join the review team all you have to do is visit http://www.dorrancebookstore.com/doborete.html and click on the link that says Join The Review Team. Once your email is reviewed you should receive a welcome email from Katie giving you your first code to obtain your free review book. I have tried to join several book review teams and this one I believe is the simplest and have better book choices.
So if you join the Book Review Team what do you have to do?
Once you receive your book you need to read it and post your review within 30 days. (Very important) If you fail to provide your review within the 30 day time frame or do not use your review code to order your book then you will be kicked off the review team. You can post your review to your blog, Amazon.com, BN.com, Borders.com, Goodreads.com, or several other choices. Once you post your review you just need to send an email to Dorrance Publishing stating that you gave your review and provide a link to it. For further more detailed information visit http://www.dorrancebookstore.com/doborete.html.
Suggestions on book choices:
Being a new mother I found that it is difficult to read a novel within the 30 day time frame which is how I discovered the Juvenille/Children's books. I am excited that I have an opportunity to build my daughters bookshelf for free! Tip: I believe the hardback children's books are a better quality so I look at the description to make sure I can get the book in hardback before I order.
My reviews
I have reviewed 3 books so far: "Don't Kill the Dead" by Vusi Gumbi, "Bengal and Sengal" by Ellie, and "The Lonely Penguin" by David C. Lee. My newest review book is, "The Little Guitar" by Eric Manos.
This book was my favorite so far. It has several great messages, the most prominent is to teach children about caring for their belongings and not damaging or discarding them. It is a very cute story about a boy that decides he wants to learn to play the guitar. His parents buy him the Little Guitar and for awhile he practices and tries to learn to play. He becomes frustrated and gives up. The guitar is stuck in a closet and then the attic until it is sold at a garage sale. An older man decides to purchase the Little Guitar and repair it so he can play it. The book ends with the old man and the guitar being happy together and making beautiful music.
Disclaimer: I provided this review because I am excited about the opportunity I have found through Dorrance Publishing. I was not asked to provide this review nor was I compensated.